Tuesday 20 May 2014

Book review – The crossover

Author – Sunil Sandeep
Illustrations – Betty Bileterka
Genre - Poetry

Having grown up on a heavy doze of Hindi and English poetry, and being a poetess myself, I was filled with excitement when I was offered to review a collection of poems. To write stories spanning across hundreds of pages may be an art, but a poet does much more than that. Some things said and some unsaid, challenging the reader to bridge the gap…I always find poetry stimulating by building an instant connection with the reader. Seems the author felt the same way, for he mentions “I never thought I would write…and write in verse. But I have, and it has been most fulfilling.”

The cover
The cover is simple however; the words “open heart verses” grabbed my attention immediately. Poetry comes unplanned and straight from the heart.

The Book
The Crossover is the author’s maiden attempt at bringing out the voice of his heart out through poems. The book showcases the author’s take on life, beginning with dreams which drive us for the daily grind; as the mental metamorphosis occurs, we come face to face with reality and understand the actual stuff life is made of. It is time then to take stock of the situation and chalk our own path to understanding self and attaining inner peace.

The author has offered a delicious assortment of various moods that envelop our mind and every poem is a refreshing change from the previous one.

A welcome change from the over doze of fiction and self help that weeds our bookshelves, The crossover makes you pause and think before you move on to the next one…perhaps inspire to write one yourself!

Why I liked the book
The poems are simple to read and understand and you can almost hear the voice of the heart.

Beautiful illustrations next to every poem make you pause after every poem, for they explain the hidden meaning few might not have noticed.

What could have been better
Well, nothing really. With a promising debut like this, I am sure there are many more beautiful compilations to come!

So read the poems, look at the pic, reflect upon life and enjoy the book!

This review is done for BecomeShakespeare.com

1 comment:

  1. A crisp review, Shaivi! I don't read poetry much but this seems like an interesting book for those who do.


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