Showing posts with label baby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby. Show all posts

Monday 11 July 2016

Save Today For A Better Tomorrow

(This was published in Parentous)

A few days ago, as mom-in-law had just finished giving my son a bath, I noticed that she had left around 2 mugs of water in the bucket. For my 10 month old, bath time is fun time with splashing, toys and laughter. Usually, even when he’s done with the shower, we play a splashing game with the remaining amount of water. “Pour the little water left in bucket on him mom. He will enjoy!” I suggested.

What my mom-in-law said next gave me the Eureka moment of parenting…

“Using a natural resource more than we need amounts to wastage. We are lucky to be born in a place that isn’t drought affected. Only if we save water today, our son will have water tomorrow.”

Her words kept hovering in my mind for several minutes. As parents we want to provide the best to our children. We strive hard so that our children have everything in sufficient quantities. In this quest to provide the best for our kids, we often mistake abundance for sufficiency. Children too grow up thinking, “It’s OK, our parents can afford anything.” Sometimes this very notion takes them away from a basic lesson in life – Only if we use judiciously and conserve the rest, our future generations will have abundant natural resources...continue reading...

Sunday 3 July 2016

Catching up on lost growth

No matter where you go, there is one topic of discussion you will find common among parents - ensuring sound growth and development of their children. As parents, our children's health comes first to us. So you will find moms sharing best practices wherever they can get an opportunity - in the paediatrician's waiting area, school bus stops and even at parks waiting for their children. From school to college to job, not to miss extracurriculars all along, our children face competition at each stage and as parents, we want to ensure our children to never lag behind others. 

Every evening when I take my son to the park, there are moms sitting on benches, looking at their children. They may not say it but their eyes reflect a "is my child as active and healthy as others?"look.

With both parents working, life is not a cakewalk for mothers too. Professional pressures occupy a lot of disc space in their mind. The hectic life coupled with children who are fussy eaters always keeps us wondering if our children are getting enough nutrition to grow. 

While it isn't advisable to get into the comparing mode, it is vital to keep a track of our child's growth milestones. Doing so will help us take remedial measures on time, in case our child is lagging behind in his/her growth and development.

Paediatricians say that 3-9 years is a critical phase for children's growth. Here is a simple Growth Calculator that can help you know if your child's growth is on track.

What if my child is lagging behind in growth?
Firstly, you need to identify the root cause that is preventing your child from meeting his/her growth milestones.

Inadequate growth may often occur due to -

  • The child being a fussy eater
  • Focus on calories rather than a diet wth balanced nutrition
  • Medical conditions, etc.

If inadequate nutrition is the root cause...

"As a mom, I feed my child healthy food. Then why is s/he still lagging behind?" one may ask.

We may think we are doing everything right. But at times, we may be just loading our child with calories, rather than giving him/her a balanced, nutritive diet. 

Growth lost early in childhood requires specialised nutrition, in order to Catchup, but parents must ensure that adequate nutrition is provided so that catch up growth happens.

A strong foundation is the backbone of a good edifice. Timely and adequate growth in children is vital for them to meet the demands of the challenges ahead. In the age of child prodigies and immense competition, every parent wants their children to be all rounders. But, for children to handle these demands, extra efforts and nutrition is required.

Thankfully, Horlicks Growth+ has been designed and tested by experts, and is proven to increase height and weight in just 6 months. It's balanced nutritional supplement has been developed to optimise growth without causing obesity in children. It naturally contains essential amino acids and immunity boosting nutrients like Vitamin A, C and D along with high quality whey protein. What's more, the immunonutrients like Vitamins A, C and D, also support a healthy immune function.

Available in two flavours, Vanilla and Chocolate, your kid will love this cup of nutrition anytime!

Sunday 19 June 2016

His first Father's Day!

Mr. Hubby is a father now. With the status upgrade has come a lot of change and I am relishing every bit of it. I am getting to see the soft side of the tough guy I have know for seven years. Earlier, it was me who was the delicate darling, acknowledging every small hit, fall and collision with the furniture with ouch and a crying face; while Mr. Hubby would ask me to be careful, then frown and ask if I hurt myself. No coochy coochy sympathies. Just practical solutions. 

One instance can change your life. For men, it is fatherhood that brings a big change in them. The same tough guy now can't even tolerate the slightest discomfort to his cub. This morning, when little S was playing on the floor, he rolled over and banged his head against the floor. It wasn't as big an issue as the decibel levels made it sound. However, what surprised me was the protective daddy dearest dashing to hold his cub and going " babyyyy" My repeated reminders that it was a small hit fell on deaf ears as Mr. Hubby asserted I get the ice pack. "But we should be brave and make the baby rough and tough" I said and was immediately told "But he is so delicate". By this time the li'l one too realised that I was being the roadblock in his pampering and his howls became louder. The practical mom had lost the morning battle against the father-son bonding. However, she was enjoying witnessing every bit of it!

With my inbox flooding with father's day offers, I too got motivated to make Father's Day special. But, with a serious practical types hubby and a 1 year old, I hardly had options. One thing I was very sure of. I wanted to gift something which the li'l one was a part of, which meant no fancy gifts money can buy. 

And I didn't have to struggle for ideas.

While both Mr. Hubby and I had been eager to hear little S say mumma and papa, the li'l one proved to be a mamma's boy, as he said "Ammaaa". Yes, Amma. Do you expect a one year old to pronounce mom? Well, I don't. So, Ammaaaa these days is the most melodious music to my ears. Not to miss that he is officially declared as my carbon copy! 

Unlike most couples who make the first word a prestige issue, both of us were very cool with it. Each time little S goes "Ammaaaaa", Mr. Hubby too starts teasing me as Amma and I go all blushing. Though he never says, I know how good Mr. Hubby would feel upon hearing "pa-pa"! And I had an idea.

What if the li'l one says "Papa" by this Father's Day? Wow! This would be the best Father's Day gift!

The problem with being an ex-corporate trainer is, that you can think you can even train a horse to dance, or atleast you may try. After all, as per me, the law of repetition could do anything!

So since last week, whenever little S and I would be alone, I would go "Pa-Pa, Papapapapapapapa" and look at my son's face in anticipation, waiting for a miracle. Instead all I would hear from him would be a burst of laughter. 

I dunno what it is in the simple word that the little one finds so funny! However, I was not willing to give up. Calling the AV aid to my rescue, I logged on to Youtube for help and found this video

However, the little one was in no mood to budge. The video had the same effect. When I told my mom in law, she said "How can you train the kids of 4G generation, who do everything their way? Even the kid is finding your attempts silly and laughing on them"

After a week of failed attempts, the baby gave me my lessons -

  • Parenting is NOT easy
  • The 4G generation kids cannot be told what to do, instead they will call the shots
  • It is silly to use corporate tricks at home

And most importantly,

Never underestimate the power of father son bonding! Yes, this afternoon, I realised I didn't have to use my brain so much. In fact, I think I should just be the mom and let the father son be. 

Did the father get a Father's Day gift? Of course, he did, albeit my son's way - Precious moments of bonding as the father son duo hugged and enjoyed their afternoon siesta together!

Happy Father's Day!

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Pre-natal Camps – Help Or Hype?

This was published in Parentous

Towards the end of my second trimester, a question found its place in most conversations I had with my friends, “Which pre-natal classes have you joined?” Not that I had not heard about them. I had read articles and testimonials, but somehow I had never felt the need, thinking things would fall in place on their own once I became a mom. Call it peer pressure or the excellent convincing skills of my friends, I soon found myself looking for a pre-natal class. However, my work schedule on weekdays meant I could only attend class on weekends. By the time I managed to sneak myself into the last available vacancy of a weekend pregnancy camp, I was already into my seventh month. I still remember my mom in law’s reaction when I told her about the concept of pre natal classes – “So motherhood has now become a subject taught in classes!” All I could manage was a smile in my defence.

On the first day of the camp, I was surprised to see ladies in their first trimester in the same room. For me, the first trimester had been all about battling morning sickness, weakness and mood swings. I heaved a sigh of relief when during the introduction round I met two ladies in their eighth month. So I was not the last one catch the bus!

The two day boot camp was like a crash course to pregnancy and motherhood. From diet and exercise during pregnancy, coping with labour, relaxation and breathing techniques, hospital bag checklist to taking care of the newborn – the curriculum covered it all. They even demonstrated how to bathe a newborn with the help of a doll, which had us all dreaming of the day when we would be holding our li’l ones in our arms. The labour session saw the most attendance and had hubbies listening with rapt attention. We made notes like we hadn’t even made during college. After all, we all wanted to master the art of parenting!

With a notebook full of scribbles, a handbook on parenting, WhatsApp contacts of fellow moms-to-be and lots of good wishes from our instructors, I felt like a mom already! My mom in law was glad to see my transformation from a nervous mom-to-be to a confident lady and appreciated my decision to join the classes.

There is a saying – Man proposes and God disposes.

While hubby and I were all prepared with the relaxation and breathing techniques, the C-Section caught us unawares. My...Continue reading...

Friday 27 May 2016

Time to even it out!

Life post baby, for me has been a hands full affair. As a working woman, the juggle between office, household chores and baby's needs often left me drained at the end of the day. 

All parents would agree that with a small baby, laundry is not limited to a weekend only affair. Every day when I return from work, the house welcomes me with an excited baby and a huge pile of dirty laundry. So, after a quick chai, I would get ready for the daily date with my washing machine.

My Hubby however, has a very different schedule. Evenings post work for him are for relaxation and spending time with the baby. "When both of us are working, why are household chores my baby and just an option for my hubby?" I often wondered. 

Around the same time, I came to know about the #LaundryGoesOddEven activity. Already desperate to even out my burden, this seemed like a the perfect chance & I immediately enrolled. 

My hubby was surprised when after a few days, the Ariel packet arrived for the #LaundryGoesOddEven activity. But I also realised that getting him on for the game wasn't an easy task. After all, which man would want to do away with their leisure time? The Odd Even happening on Delhi roads gave me the idea & I told him that while #OddEven can help reduce pollution in Delhi, #OddEven in laundry might just get some fairness at the home front. 

So, it was decided that I would do the laundry on even days while on odd days, hubby would offload me and take care of the laundry. 

With the odds and evens settled, I eagerly await every alternate day, when i would have some free time while hubby would play my cooperative partner in #OddEven.

And it has been a win win situation for me. The evenings that just rushed with the laundry are now giving me a chance to explore myself. I can -

  • Read a book

  • Listen to music & relax my mind

  • Spend quality time with my baby

  • Take a quick nap and recharge my batteries

We women like to take the entire load on ourselves. However, sharing the load would not only reinforce gender equality, but also set the right example for future generations. 

I am taking part in the #LaundryGoesOddEven Challenge by Ariel India at BlogAdda

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Book Review - What I Didn’t Expect When I Was Expecting

First Impressions
Being a new mom, I found familiarity in the title of the book. From the moment the little one has arrived, our life is nothing short of a roller coaster ride! When one kid is driving us crazy, imagine how happening would be a house with three kids, having their own set of demands and tantrums! The parents having a roller coaster ride then, makes for the apt cover. Looking at the cute little kids enjoying their play with the controls made me all smiles! After all, as parents our moves are directed by the whims and fancies of our little angels!
My Review
Motherhood is one of the best aspects in a woman’s life. The sheer joy those two pink lines announcing the good news bring is incomparable with any other accomplishment. The moment the parents to be realise the stork is coming, they involuntarily go into the dreaming mode – of holding their baby in their arms, singing songs, playtime and lots of cuddles! Nine months seem a long duration and eagerness to hold the little one in our arms steps up, as each week passes.
But, with motherhood comes an overdose of changes. Battling the morning sickness, weight gain and mood swings, when the mother finally clears the D day finishing line, she is welcomed by sleepless nights, cranky baby and many changes that nobody seems to understand. She wonders if this what she actually signed up for.
What I Didn’t Expect When I Was Expecting is such a heartfelt account of Tina’s sweet and sour experiences with motherhood. Tina beautifully captures the major milestones in a mother’s life step by step, which makes it easy for the readers to go with the flow. Right from discovering the good news, to the challenges of each trimester; from the anxieties and excitement during a scan, to the preparation for the baby’s arrival; from the day you first hold your baby, to handling a toddler, the book has it all. Reading about Tina’s experiences as a new mom, I ...Continue reading

Monday 9 May 2016

The joy of being a yummy mummy

When lines bring smiles
and weight gain seems worthwhile
swelling tummy signals the happiness to come
Ah! There's no bigger joy than being a mom

Motherhood is the best gift a woman gets from nature. The nine months of pregnancy are not only crucial to the development of the little life inside, but also for the mom to be. For, a woman discovers a new side of her and her relationships when she is expecting. Coping up with physical and hormonal changes does sound taxing, however all the troubles are forgotten the moment she holds her little one for the first time.

Towards the end of my first trimester, we had a ethnic dress code in office one day for an event. It was a time when morning sickness, weakness and mood swings had me at my irritated best. My hubby however, was highly patient and supportive. He motivated me to wear a saree he had bought recently for me. So, on the day of the event, I dressed up in a lovely Pochampally. As I was telling my sister about the celebrations in office, she commented, "yeah enjoy the sarees till the baby arrives, for the stretch marks and the odd blouse sizes will keep you away from them post delivery." Her comment had me shocked, for this aspect of pregnancy was not something I had anticipated while planning a baby.

That evening, while changing clothes I noticed two red lines on my tummy. Initially, I ignored them however, after 2-3 days when the lines refused to leave my tummy, I saw my worst fears coming alive. This was the trailer and stretch marks were a few weeks away!

When I asked my mom in law about it, she said motherhood comes with its own set of return gifts like stretch marks, pigmentation, itchiness, weight gain that made one feel inhibited. In the old times, an expecting mother was given a long list of Do' and don't's, as if pregnancy came with a user manual. Poor thing was so lost in following the umpteen guidelines that she couldn't even enjoy her pregnancy and always felt conscious of the changes inside her.

But, Hey! Pregnancy is not a disease! In fact, it is that time in a woman's life when she gets to enjoy extra care from her loved ones, have that much deserved me time, focus on herself for a change and just relax without feeling guilty of pending To Do's.

Being a woman of today, I knew no notion or inhibition could keep me away from enjoying my pregnancy. So, no matter who advised what, I decided to believe just two persons - my gynaec and my instincts.  With a little extra precautions and the right knowledge, I made my pregnancy an enjoyable experience that I will always cherish with a smile.

You are pregnant, stay at home now!
I am a woman of today who knows how to take care of herself. I vacationed during my pregnancy and it was one of the most chilled out vacations I ever had.
Vacationing with a glow in my 2nd trimester

Be sanskari and conceal the bump with a dupatta!
Hello! My bump is a matter of pride, not something to feel shy of. After all, the beautiful life inside the big belly was to give me the best status ever, of being a mom! Every morning, I used to scan myself in the mirror for any visible signs of the bump, and when it came, I went crazy buying maternity wear that beautifully flaunted my curves and the baby bump!

With Pigmentation and stretch marks, you will no longer look same!
This one initially had me stressed. But when my gynaec soon made my stress disappear. At her advise, I started using Bio Oil during the first trimester itself and trust me, it was an advice that helped me remain a yummy mummy with barely visible marks. The right diet, yoga, good genes and a stress free environment created by my family kept pigmentation far away.

So, the saree is still my best friend!

Eat for two, even if it means looking like two post delivery
No matter what the relatives and aunties said, I followed my gynaec's advise of focusing on quality instead of quantity. Following a healthy diet not only kept me illness free during pregnancy, but was also the secret behind my baby glow!

Pregnancy also got me to discover a funny fact about men (husbands)! No matter how silly, unorganised and careless we wives call them, fatherhood reveals the responsible, caring and loving side of them that as a wife we just miss. Knowing it was tough for me to stay away from junk food, my hubby too gave up junk and gave me company in my healthy food throughout the pregnancy!

"When there is a will, there is a way." Pregnancy does come with its own set of challenges. But with the right support, attitude and determination, every mummy can be a yummy mummy!

I’m writing about my wonderful journey of pregnancy for the #YummyMummy blogging activity at BlogAdda in association with Marico Bio Oil

Sunday 8 May 2016

Why Mother's Day no longer haunts me...

For the past five years, I dreaded this day of the year. When the whole world went gaga updating their selfies with moms on social media, I preferred being unsocial on Mother's day. No outdoors, no social media, no calls, no people. While solitary confinement would be too strong a word to describe my day, I came a tad close by hiding under my shell.

Five years ago, I too used to celebrate this day like most people of my age. Mother's Day meant writing a poem each year for mom, which would get Ganga Jamuna flowing from her eyes; cooking something special for mom, which made her proud and feel sad at the same time thinking her little daughter was fast growing up. While she was at our service 24X7, 365 days of the year, Mother's Day was a good excuse to convince her for the faciaI that was subject to her endless procrastinating. Life was full of happiness and security, for mom shielded me like an umbrella and kept me safe.

Then one day, a storm came and blew my umbrella away. Just like that, God decided to have my mom's company in heaven. The meaning of Mother's Day changed overnight. From a day of celebrations, it became a day that reminded me of the void in my life. Social media played the biggest spoilsport. When I saw friends updating their status and uploading pics with their mom, my vision blurred with tears. "Why God chose to take away MY mom?" I kept asking myself! The answer is still pending when I have a tete a tete with the almighty someday. 

The more I tried to run away, the more it chased me. When my hubby's siblings dropped in to convey my mom in law Mother's Day wishes, I swallowed a lump in my throat. While I would be all smiles in front of them, to not spoil their day, I would sneak out to some moments of solitude and memories.

My sisters were still lucky. They had their own kids to the fill the void created by mom's absence. Theirs were the only calls I received, and they always told me to remember the good times and cherish the moments I got to spend with mom. 

Last year's Mother's Day however, was different. I was in the 8th month of my pregnancy and when my sister called me and asked, "So, do you feel something different this Mother's Day?" I was quick to say, "Yeah, A Hell Lot Of Kicks!!!"

"The glass is half full" mom often said. 

This year, Mother's Day finds its place back in my life. I am a mother to a 10 month old angel, who is the Sun of my solar system. Though he is too small to even understand the meaning of Mother, he definitely is a master at expressing affection; especially when he wants to go out for a walk! 

Whether mom is back or not, I don't know. But motherhood surely is back in my life, and in a beautiful new Avtar. I will continue to miss mom each day, each moment. However, the journey as a mother gives me a chance to live my mom's life and try to fill her great shoes.

My Mother's Day gift? What better than waking up to my 10 month old kicking me and saying "Umumumum....mumummah"

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Can We Bubble Wrap Their Childhood?

This was published in Parentous

The other day, Mr. Hubby & I were having a small tiff on the safety features of S’s pram. I had carefully scrutinized and chosen a pram which seemed safe enough with its sidebars cushioned. However, little S’s enhanced sense of mischief had found a bar on the back side to bang his head against. Before I knew it, Mr. Hubby had bubble wrapped all possible open metallic surfaces of the pram. It now looked like a new pram straight out of the showroom, all bubble wrapped.

That’s when the thought struck my mind, “Can we bubble wrap their childhood?”
Parenting is a situation nothing can prepare one for, except parenting itself! During my pregnancy, we used to visit the children’s park every evening and spend some time looking at the kids playing. As we looked at the kids joyously playing with sand, we made tall claims of not pampering our child with unnecessary luxuries and trying to keep him/her close to the nature. We had spent a childhood climbing and falling from trees, playing outdoors in extreme weather and we wanted our child to be as rough and tough as us.
Ironically, the very claims we made with much confidence, vanished into thin air as soon as I delivered little S! Continue reading...

Monday 4 April 2016

To the Mowgli in all of us

When I was expecting my son last year, there was one piece of advice almost everyone showered on me. To read, listen and watch stuff that the baby would enjoy. As I wondered what shows/movies to watch, the first name that came to my mind was none other than "The Jungle Book"

Every evening, Mr. Hubby and I would leisurely watch Jungle book episodes and I would go back to my childhood.

As all children of the 80's and 90's would agree, Jungle Book had a very important role to play in our childhood. Not even a single child would be seen outdoors at 10am on Sundays as all of them would be glued to their TV sets watching Jungle Book. So much was the craze that once when a classmate of mine got a pencil box with Mowgli printed on it, the entire class went in a frenzy to buy similar pencil box!

What was so special about a simple tale of a jungle, a human baby and animals that it is still engraved in our hearts and minds?

The first thought that comes to my mind is the song, "Jungle Jungle Pataa Chala hai, Chaddi pehenke phool khilaa hai" and the smiling faces of Mowgli, Bagheera, Baloo, Pappu, Ka and others. I must confess, the title song has such emotional value for me that often when my 9 month old son has trouble falling asleep, I hum this song and rock him to sleep.

Jungle Book is not just a story. It is the story of our lives - of triumphs and failures; of loyalty and deceit; of friendship and animosity; of love and jealousy; of discipline and rebellion. Each character and each scene of Jungle Book resonates the songs of our lives. Perhaps thats why Jungle Book strikes the perfect chord and it was the perfect choice to have fun and at the same time refresh the lessons of life...

There is a Mowgli in all of us -
As a kid, the biggest reason which kept me hooked on to the Jungle Book was Mowgli. I could somehow relate to him on several instances. Like Mowgli, I too had my moments of mischief, fun with friends, rebellion, concern for my loved ones and aggression for anyone who dared to challenge me.

Family & friends
Jungle Book taught me very early in life, the importance of family and friends. Despite being a human, Mowgli was treated no different by his family and friends. Often, when I used to see Mowgli being pampered by his mom Chameli, I too used to become a small child and give my mom a bear hug! It is important to choose friends wisely, for good friends show us the correct path and stand by us in every situation, just like Bagheera, Baloo, Ka and Pappu! If you look around at your friends, you will always find a Bagheera who shows you the right path without being preach; a Baloo who may not be stylish but is the most sincere and sensible; a Ka who knows it all and a Pappu who is your follower!

Break the rules and face the music
Nobody could have taught this better than the Jungle Book. Time and again, we see repercussions of breaking rules of the Jungle. Be it crossing over to the forbidden side of the river, or ignoring the instructions of elders. My mom often made good use of this fact and often used to tell me, "see what happened to Mowgli when he didn't listen to his mom and went to the forbidden part of the Jungle. You too should listen to what mamma says!" and I would nod my head in affirmation. What an age of innocence it was!

Face your fears
Mowgli was the super hero who never shied from taking risks and faced his fears. Fears also remind me of a funny incident. In one of the episodes, I saw Baloo telling Mowgli the Mahamantra of Jungle "Hum ek hee vansh ke hain, tum aur main"(We are no different) and Mowgli successfully uses this mantra to drive away the wild dogs. Once when a stray dog got after me, instead of running away, I decided to use Mowgli's mantra. However, to my surprise, it had no impact on the dog. Fortunately an elderly uncle was passing by who shooed the dog away and saved me the torture of anti rabies shots!

Us before Me
The animals of the jungle were very particular about the safety of the Jungle. When the rivers dried up, all the animals collaborated to share resources and decided not to hunt till the water problem was resolved. Whereas we humans think of serving our individual interests first. I wonder why do we humans forget this lesson in times of crisis.

Loving our environment
I used to be in awe watching Mowgli using climbers to move from tree to tree in no time! While I could not find climbers to try my luck, Mowgli for sure was my inspiration to climb trees. From guava to Jamun to Mango I didn't leave a single tree despite often being attacked by angry red ants peacefully resting in the tree trunks!

As a parent, I feel there cannot be anything better than Jungle Book to teach your child the lessons of life without sounding preachy. I look forward to the day when my son grows up and I can watch Jungle Book with him and share my memories!

I’m blogging about #MyMowgliMemory at BlogAdda.

Jungle Book releases on April 8. Catch the movie and relive your memories! 

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Of Needles And Overcoming Fears

(This was published in Parentous)

Throughout my growing years, I teased my mom for one thing – whenever I would fall sick or be in pain, she would start crying. I remember once when a dog had bit me, on our way to the hospital, mom was crying more than me. She had heard how painful anti rabies injection was and she was scared about how I would tolerate the pain. As I joked that she looked more like the patient than me, she said, “You will understand my pain when you become a mother.”

Mom left me few years ago, but her words have echoed in my mind several times ever since I became a mother…

After my delivery, when my intravenous cannula was removed, I rejoiced thinking, “The pain is over!” Little did I know a new challenge awaited me – of witnessing my baby in pain during vaccination!

As the date for the next monthly vaccination drew near, anxiety gripped me...

The initial mandatory vaccines were administered by the pediatrician while I was still bed ridden. But, as the date for the next monthly vaccination drew near, anxiety gripped me. The mere thought of the needle pricking my baby’s soft skin and the imaginary sight of my little angel wincing in pain gave me goose bumps.

Sunday 24 January 2016

Common Cold & A Paranoid Mom

Till about 3 pm the day before, All Was Well in my house. The little one was playfully engrossed in his toys; as was the newbie mom in her laptop. Then suddenly, one sneeze changed all dynamics!


The little one sneezed with such a force that I left whatever I was doing. This wasn’t a normal sporadic sneeze; this one came with dirty souvenir for my little one that his newbie mom rushed to wipe. “Now how on earth did this happen?”, I pushed myself to think. 3 layer cloth – check, Cap  - Check, Socks – Check, Cozy Room – check. We hadn’t even gone out in the garden that day! Then from where did this uninvited guest come?

I immediately made a SOS call to my MIL and made notes so quick I had never made even during my college days! I have often heard elders criticize modern moms, who rush to the doctor at a sneeze of their little one. Not wanting to become one of them, I decided to try MIL’s advice, but it was just too much to possibly execute! 

By the time Mr. Hubby returned home (which was coincidentally early that day), little S and I looked like troubled passengers of a stranded flight. We both dashed to him for comfort. A sleepless night later, the next morning, we were sitting among many other coughing, sneezing little souls at the Paed’s clinic.

Had someone from my parents or in-laws called, I would have sounded like a failure, for I had indeed rushed to the doctor at what was regarded technically as just few sneezes. Mr. Hubby however, convinced me that as educated, modern parents, we were indeed being proactive to take professional advice before the situation worsened.

But, the words “Weak, Failure, Modern” echoed loud enough to be ignored in my mind. So, the moment our turn came, I took total charge of the conversation. Before the doctor could ask us her usual questions, my monologue had already begun; giving a detailed account of what we did, what we ate, baby poo, pee, precautions we took and home remedies tried in a jiffy. After I was done, I gave a little relaxed, triumphant smile; the way we do after we give our best shot during campus interviews! It was now the moment to be recognized as a caring, good, wise and efficient mother who had tried her best (add to this synonyms and more related adjectives and you know my feelings so well!)

Instead, I heard something like “R-E-L-A-X” (Oh I looked relaxed, didn’t I?). “You –Are-A-Mom-Now. First-Learn-To-Stop-Being-paranoid”. “You can’t keep your baby in a Kavach & Kundals” Lesson learnt – No matter how much you tried, it was impossible to get 10/10 from a teacher, doctor and an experienced mom (my paed is also a granny!)

My triumphant smile died in the wake of this new addition to the to do’s. So I have to learn to get less paranoid. But C’mon, this is my baby & I am Mother India. Can you imagine Nirupa Roy, Durga Khote, Nargis, Achla Sachdev, Kirron Kher, Kamini Kaushal or any onscreen mom looking calm and composed when her Aankhon Ka Taara (Apple Of her Eyes) gets nebulized?

But doctors only know the language of medicine, so it was futile to argue. We collected our medicines, paid the fee (for something which as per my dad, common sense and homeopathy would have cured) and came home as a happy and hopeful trio.

A typical Mother India is ready to barter her child’s trouble for his happiness and well being. However, some wishes get granted too quickly, with the mother getting the trouble even before the child is fit and fine. By the next evening, another big “Acchhooooo” roared in the house, this time by the mother! Yes, my wish had been granted, but now both of us were the victims of cold, thanks to something called virus!

Am I a melodramatic mom? Yes, in bold italics. But, somewhere behind layers of tension, concern and love lies just a simple compassionate new mom who wants to be somewhat as good as her own mom was.  After all, every girl idolizes her mom for they stand like a rock between us and troubles even when we see tears of concern rolling down their cheeks.

Leaving you with pics of these amazing onscreen moms we have grown up watching. 

Nirupa Roy

Durga Khote


Achla Sachdev

Kirron Kher

Kamini Kaushal